Shrink Plastic: Flower Fairy Boxes



Now that you have Inkjet Shrink Plastic 101 under your belt (if you don’t, click here to be whisked away to that information page to learn the basics of working with inkjet shrink plastic!), you are ready to forge ahead with new projects that center around inkjet shrink plastic!  I mean, you kind of have to because you have multitudes of little plastic people and things sitting in a box because you couldn’t STOP cutting and shrinking because it was so much FUN!  Am I right?  Well, problem solved!  This workshop helps you transform an ordinary papier mache container into a miniature fairy garden!  Paint, old papers, faux flowers, and a little shrink plastic magic merge to create wonderful repositories for your favorite treasures!


In this course you’ll learn:

  • how to select florals and attach them to styrofoam domes.
  • how to line and paint your papier mache boxes.
  • how to deconstruct tins.
  • how to cut metal crowns and attach them with cold connections.
  • how to stitch on plastic!  A bonus project idea!
  • how to put them all together…don’t believe me?  Take a peek at the video below to see what past participants created in this workshop!


In this course you’ll receive the following:

  • several hours of video instruction with “lifetime” access!
  • two downloadable PDF sheets of imagery already prepped and ready to use with inkjet shrink plastic!
  • instructions on how to adjust your own photos for use with inkjet shrink plastic.
  • access to private FB group to post pictures, chat, ask questions and meet classmates!
  • downloadable instructions.
  • special give-aways of materials and original art!
  • loads of ideas and inspiration!


Supply list

Hover over highlighted words in blue to activate links..I’m a visual person…I like pictures of things!  A full supply list for each workshop will be provided with completed registration, but I want you to know that there are a few supplies that are essential for completion of this project so that you may budget accordingly.

Grafix White INKJET Shrink Film (I do not recommend Shrinky Dinks Inkjet…I never could get it to print correctly, pieces stuck to themselves as they baked, the plastic didn’t flatten completely, and it smelled bad during baking.)

Toaster Oven (although you can shrink the plastic in your regular oven…I just like having dedicated craft appliances)

Access to an INKJET Printer (a laser printer will not work because it uses heat to set the ink and this heat might warp your shrink plastic)

5″ Sharp Scissors 

Chalks or Pastels (these can be stick, Pan, or my favorite CarbOthello)


Small papier mache container

Styrofoam ball (diameter matches the diameter of the container lid)

Artificial flowers

Small Paintbrushes

Small Ceramic Tile




Testimonials about my workshops featuring

shrink plastic…they’ll get their five bucks later…kidding…maybe:


“Thank you, Stephanie!  This is crazy fun!”

“Oh my heck, how fun was this? Lots! I really enjoy cutting things out, very meditative and I felt like a kid watching the shrink film do its magic! Now on to the next!”

“So many things to say!  I kept waiting to post but can’t wait anymore!  Love Stephanie, love this class and like everyone else, I am shrinking everything in sight!”

“Oh, no…my house is never gonna get cleaned.  I just want to do this all day.”



*By clicking on purchase link, you are agreeing to Studio Rubiano Workshops Policy…so you might wanna read it first.

You will receive a confirmation email after payment with more information on the workshop!

Hope to see you in the classroom!

Stephanie Rubiano Name